Tuesday, June 23, 2020

How to prevent falls on your business premises

Falls can be as painful for your business as it is for your customers. Lawsuits for personal injury, such as those caused by a fall, are commonplace with many traders , and you need to be prepared for them.

After all, preventable accidents are one of the leading causes of injury in Canada, according to a 2015 cost of injury report by Parachute , a national charity. In Canada, every hour, 427 people suffer a preventable injury due to a fall, a road accident, a fire, poisoning, drowning or other. In addition, according to Workplace Safety & Prevention Services , in 2016, falls resulted in 11,495 lost-time injury claims in Ontario - equivalent to 31 workers injured per day.

Here, then, in light of these deplorable statistics, some tips to prevent falls on the premises of your business.

Pay attention to the water
Water is one of the main causes of falling. In some companies, there is no shortage of areas conducive to the accumulation of water; for example, in a grocery store, you can think of bathrooms, aisles of freezers, entrance halls, the fruit and vegetable department and that of flowers. Daily activities are enough to make the floor soaked (and therefore slippery). Here are some habits you can take to prevent incidents:

If possible, install non-slip flooring or mats in hazardous locations.
Ask an employee to regularly inspect areas prone to water accumulation - and to mop them up immediately.
Post “wet floor” posters as needed.
In winter, frost can cause a lot of worry. It is cold in Canada; we know it and we can't do anything about it. However, you can take action to protect your employees from ice fall by putting these tips into practice:

Regularly inspect the parking lot and accesses, and use deicing salt or another method to secure a path for your customers.
Constantly monitor the accumulation of water, slush or snow in the parking lot and access roads.
Bypass any downspouts that drain into your parking lot or onto your sidewalks to prevent ice buildup in high-traffic areas.
Make sure that all emergency exits and exterior stairs are not snow-covered or obstructed. This concerns in particular the aisles which lead to the assembly points fixed in case of emergency evacuation.

Make sure the paths are lit and clear
Adequately light the paths where pedestrians circulate, especially those outside where people circulate in the evening.

Make sure aisles, exits and floors are clean, free and dry.
Check that nothing obstructs traffic in aisles and footpaths: table legs, shelves, protruding portion of wall, etc.

Repair or replace any missing or unstable tiles or carpets.
Mark uneven surfaces that pose a risk of falling, and make the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

Arrange your merchandise securely
Do not stack your items in such a way that they are easy to hang, knock over or break.
Avoid placing heavy or fragile items high.
Make sure to adjust the height of your shelves so that the items are within the reach of a medium-sized person.

Perform regular rounds
Inspect and replace all carpets at regular intervals.
At least once per shift, an employee should check that nothing drips or is broken on shelves and displays.
Regularly inspect your parking lot and check for potholes, cracks, uneven surfaces, and annoying Debris Chutes. You should take immediate action if you notice a potential hazard and report it clearly to customers until the problem is resolved.

You should regularly check the condition of the steps and banisters on all of your stairs and make sure they are non-slip.

Try to schedule maintenance tasks after hours are closed or at low traffic times. Floor cleanliness is important, but freshly washed floors can be dangerous for your customers - even if you install a "wet floor" sign.

Be sure to keep records of all maintenance activities (for example, spreading sand or salt in the parking lot). These documents will be of great help in the event of a complaint, and will help your employees to follow the established procedures.
What if something goes wrong anyway?
The key is to have a formal intervention plan. Leave incident report forms on site for the claimant and witnesses to record the circumstances of the incident. It is also recommended to photograph the places where the person fell and the shoes they were wearing. Despite all your precautions, someone can still fall on your property. This is why it is important to have the right insurance policy to protect you. When a third party is injured in your home, you cannot do without Corporate Liability Insurance (CBR). To find out more, visit our business insurance page !

This post is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional advice. We make no representation and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information it contains. We cannot be held responsible for any losses that may arise from the use of this information.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Scaffolding: types, uses and care

The evolution of the manufacture and assembly of scaffolding has ensured greater efficiency at the construction sites, increasing the care and concern of the sector with the safety of the workers and the work. Even so, the use of scaffolding must be closely monitored by the engineer responsible for the work, as the scaffolding shows the need for greater caution both in the assembly and in its use by the workers.

winter enclosures
Scaffolding is a temporary access structure used to support workers to perform services in high places with the use of tools and equipment, facilitating the construction or repair of the work.

To be fit for use, scaffolding must pass all Quality Inspection tests . From the moment the steel tubes arrive for the cut, through the revealing painting, until the final painting of the product.

To be fit for use, scaffolding must pass all Quality Inspection tests. From the moment the steel tubes arrive for the cut, through the revealing painting, until the final painting of the product.

SH Forms has a rigorous quality analysis process, where inspectors guarantee the integrity of the equipment through tests and tests.

Generally speaking, scaffolding is the name given to a temporary structure that allows access to the structures of a work and that can allow the execution of several activities. There are many types of scaffolding used in the market, but only three are the most common: the fachadeiro , the multi-directional and the tubular . Due to the scarcity and the lack of quality of the wood, nowadays it is made of steel in large scale. This ensures greater efficiency at the construction sites.

The fachadeiro scaffold consists of mountable towers that make up various pagination covering small and large facades, allowing perform construction tasks, finishing and repair of buildings; it is formed by horizontal, vertical frames, metallic floors, trapdoor, diagonals and sleepers. These components are lightweight and facilitate manual assembly and at great heights.

The multi-directional is formed by few pieces of direct and precise fittings, being posts, crossbars and diagonals , allowing the creation of varied formats and pages, giving more agility in the assembly and is widely used in industrial areas. In certain cases it is used as a support for structures. The equipment in this family is made of high-strength steel and has a galvanized surface finish, which guarantees greater durability and service life in longer contracts.

The tubular system is obtained by joining metal tubes with clamps allowing the creation of specific geometries according to the location to be used. It is widely used in industrial areas and difficult to access, as it is easily adapted to interference and obstacles. It also serves for special props, to complement and / or lock the other systems.

All assembly systems must comply with the specifications of Safety Regulatory Standard nÂș 18 - Working Conditions and Environment in the Construction Industry and NBR-6494 Scaffolding Safety , such as:

Be equipped with locks that prevent accidental detachment of parts, guardrails and baseboards;
Be braked / anchored and / or anchored as the height and length of the scaffold increases, so as not to compromise stability;
Anchoring devices must:

  • Be willing to serve the entire perimeter of the building;
  • Withstand a workload of at least 1,500 kgf (1,500 kilogram-force);
  • Be part of the structural design of the building;
  • Be made of weather-resistant material, such as stainless steel or material of equivalent characteristics

To have a working platform every 2.00 (two) meters, which can be accessed through internal stairs, through trap doors or through holes in the floors. The lining must be total and prevent people and / or objects from falling;

The protection, when constituted of rigid bulkheads in system of guardrail and baseboard, must meet the following requirements:

  • Beam greater than 1.2 m (one meter and twenty centimeters) in height and resistance to a horizontal load of 90 kgf / m (ninety kilograms-force per meter), with the maximum deflection not exceeding 0.076 m (seventy-two six millimeters);
  • Intermediate beam at 0.7 m (seventy centimeters) high and resistance to horizontal load of 66 kgf / m (sixty-six kilograms-force per meter);
  • Skirting board with a minimum height of 0.15 m (fifteen centimeters) close to the surface and resistance to horizontal load of 22 kgf / m (twenty-two kilograms-force per meter);
  • Have gaps between sleepers filled with a screen or other device that ensures the secure closure of the opening.